Woman writing in journal

Create More Space in Your Life

What if you were able to create more space to enjoy being more creative, spending more time with family & friends, taking time to appreciate life's many adventures?

We're so used to being busy, having never-ending to-do lists, lots of responsibilities and tasks, that we forget to stop, and enjoy just 'being'.

The space you manage to create may be big or small, but at the end of the day, creating space in your life opens doors for new things to enter, such as people, opportunities, and more importantly YOU.

Remove things that no longer work for you, and let go of what you do not need or do not have time for.

Declutter your schedule and make it happen

After all, wouldn't you rather be able to create more space in your life for the things that really matter?

Take a breather, re-evaluate, look at ways to help you manage your time better, so it frees you up to do more of what you want to and enjoy.

Hiring a Virtual PA can help give you time back, freeing you up to do the things that matter. Creating space for you in your professional and personal lives so you can focus on the things that really matter to you.

A Virtual PA can help you maximise every hour of your day, whether that's to achieve more, live more or play more.

5 Tips to create more time in your life

  • Outsource your life tasks

    Such as your ironing, cleaning or personal admin. These time-consuming life tasks can eat into your well-needed headspace and downtime with your family, or take you away from getting to the gym to exercise.

  • Feel good

    If you feel better you work better…literally! Take stock of your approach to your health. Read up on ways to eat better, learn to meditate, get regular exercise or simply get more sleep. Shake up your routine to make sure you put your health first.

  • Delegate tasks & chores

    As a mother, especially a working mother, find ways to make your day easier by getting the whole family to pitch in. By spreading the jobs across the family you can free up some time in your day.

  • Take time out for you

    Sometimes you need to be a little bit selfish (with your time, that is). If 'you' don’t work, more than likely things will fall apart. Give yourself a treat every now and then such as a relaxing massage, or even a simple walk on the beach. These will do you good!

  • Create a plan

    …and stick to it. Writing down your weekly or monthly plan can give you a better idea of where your balancing needs are best placed. Get the family to help if need be and take stock of the things that need to be done 'together'.

You have 24 hours in your day, it's not about how much time you have but about how well you use it. A Virtual PA can help you make the best use of your time.

Get in touch to see what we can do to help.